How can we help?

Haec igitur Epicuri non probo, inquam. De cetero vellem equid.

  • Will you ship orders anywhere?

    We currently offer shipping to 28 countries:

    The United States except logistics remote areas, such as Hawaii, Alaska, Guam, etc. Canada, Austria, Belgium, France, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Czech Republic, Germany, Luxembourg, Estonia, Croatia, Latvia, Slovenia, Denmark, Slovakia, Ireland, Finland, Sweden, Hungary, Romania, Lithuania, Bulgaria, United Kingdom, Monaco;

    Delivery services for other countries are under development, so please be patient.

  •  How much are the shipping costs to my country and address?


    We currently offer free ground shipping to the United States and Canada primarily via the United States Postal Service (USPS). Other countries mainly via DHL.

  • Onece an order is placed, how long will it take to be shipped?

    Because of the time difference between countries, the order time displayed on system will not be consistent.
    However, we guarantee that orders placed on weekdays will be arranged to ship within 1 business day. Orders placed on weekends will be prioritized for shipment on the first business day after the weekend.

  • How are orders shipped?

    Orders are mainly shipped via the United States Postal Service (USPS) and DHL.
    There's nothing else to worry about after you've placed your order and filled in your detailed shipping address. We will select the most affordable and time-efficient logistics for you, and you do not need to pay for the delivery.

  • How I track my order?

    Please add our email address -- -- to your address book to ensure our emails get through to you.

    The orders will basically be shipped within 1-2 business days.

    1. Send us an email with your order number
    2. Send us a talk message via the chat plugin in the bottom right corner.

    Our customer service will inform you of the order tracking number as well as inform you of the delivery progress of the courier through email.

  • Can I change my shipping address?

    We will send out the orders within 1-2 business days.

    You can contact to check the order status. Address can be changed before your product is shipped. However, if the product is shipped already, changing order address is not supported.

    So, please make sure your address is detailed and correct before placing an order.

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